domingo, 3 de agosto de 2008

Silverlight 2 Beta 2 Liberado

Los principales cambios entre versiones los podran concer en los siguientes Links:

* Important! Migrating Older Code to the Newer Release
* Update Silverlight.js
* Sockets Breaking Change
* Change for Built-In Style of Controls
* MIME Type and Installer URL Change
* SetTargetProperty and GetTargetProperty Changes
* System.Windows.Control.dll Merged with System.Windows.dll
* ToolTip Changes
* Removed Several Properties from Controls in System.Windows*dll
* Change in Handling of System.Windows.Controls.Extended.dll in XAML
* Changes to HtmlElement.GetAttribute and HtmlElement.GetProperty
* Calendar/DatePicker Changes
* HtmlPage.UnregisterScriptableObject Removed
* WebClient and HttpWebRequest Changes
* Improved Null Argument Checking in System.Xml
* BackgroundWorker Moved
* Deep Zoom Image and Collections Format Change
* MultiScaleImage Change
* AllowInboundCallsFromXDomain Changes
* Changes to Scroll-related APIs and Drag*EventArgs
* Glyphs Element Requires Either UniCodeString or Indices Attribute
* ItemsControl.Items Is Now of Type ItemCollection Instead of IList
* RoutedEventArgs.Handled=true Events No Longer Bubble
* Style Cannot Be Applied to Control That Is Incompatible with Its TargetType
* SetValue Only Accepts the Correct Types (No Conversions)
* Control.InitializeFromXaml Removed
* No Longer Can Specify Name and x:Name on the Same Element
* Changes to Cross-Domain Policy
* Storyboards Can Be Active While Outside the Live Tree
* GetValue on Storyboard.Duration Only Returns Storyboard.Duration
* Image and ImageBrush Class Changes
* TextBox Template Changes
* Custom BorderBrush/BorderThickness Change
* ButtonBase Changes
* ListBox and ListBoxItem Changes
* ContentControl and ContentPresenter Changes
* GetValue Changes
* Updates to Control Styles
* Miscellaneous API Changes

Los principales cambios entre versiones los podran concer en los siguientes Links:

Para descargar Expression Blend 2.5 June Preview: Press Here

Para descargar Silverlight 2 Beta 2: Press Here

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